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In the context of Somalia, the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda holds significant importance due to the fact that Women in Somalia have been disproportionately affected by conflict and have faced various forms of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence.

Additionally, women in Somalia have played crucial roles in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and community reconciliation efforts, often working at the grassroots level to promote dialogue, social cohesion, and peace. Recognizing these contributions, in recent years and gradually, FGS and the international community have made efforts to integrate the WPS agenda into their peace and security frameworks.

The role played by Somali women in peace and state building is at the heart of the agenda started by UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which acknowledges that women are not just victims of war, but also agents of peace. The Resolution urges increased participation of women and the incorporation of gender perspectives into all peace and security efforts. In a statement in 2004, the Security Council called upon Member States to advance UNSCR 1325 implementation through national action plans (NAPs).

The Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development (MOWHRD) in Somalia developed a National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace, and Security in 2022. The Office of the National Security is also committed to driving forward progress on the WPS agenda, and potentially developing their own Action Plan. An opportunity exists to further promote collaboration and consultation between the MOWHRD, ONS, other government security institutions, and civil society.

Somali women’s civil society organizations have also played an essential role in advocating for the inclusion of women’s perspectives and rights in peacebuilding efforts. They have worked to increase women’s participation in peace negotiations, conflict mediation, and the formulation of policies that address gender-specific needs.

The challenges to fully implementing the WPS agenda in Somalia are numerous. First, improved coordination between government institutions, their international partners, and other stakeholders, is necessary for ensuring its practical implementation. Second, many governments have experienced challenges in effectively monitoring the implementation of their NAPs, to measure successes over time, and strengthen the evidence base for effective approaches – a challenge that is also likely to prove relevant in Somalia. Third, current conditions in the country challenge the full implementation of the NAP. Ongoing insecurity, limited resources, traditional gender norms, and cultural barriers continue to hinder women*’*s meaningful participation and access to justice. Sexual and gender-based violence remains a major concern, particularly in the conflict-affected areas and amongst displaced populations.

To ensure that the NAP fully reflects the diverse perspectives and priorities of all government entities, we seek the expertise of an expert in Women, Peace, and Security to facilitate a more collaborative approach in the development and implementation of this critical plan. To recognize and support the important role of women in peacebuilding and security, we must take steps to ensure that women’s perspectives and needs are fully integrated into conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction processes in Somalia.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Research and Analysis:
  • A literature review/ mapping of all the WPS efforts currently ongoing in the country, at the government and civil society level.
  • Best practices on coordination between women’s Ministries, security institutions, and civil society, in comparative jurisdictions.
  1. Policy and Advocacy:
  • Working with the ONS on establishing a Roadmap for implementing WPS, which is able to connect to or interact with the federal NAP
  • Determine whether there is need to amend the federal NAP, and work with the ONS to coordinate on this with the MOWRD
  • Undertaking a “readiness assessment” to determine what is in place that would support the implementation of the NAP, and where the gaps are.
  1. Capacity Building and Training:
  • Supporting a coordination mechanism for the implementation of WPS – either by supporting the ONS to establish one or advising on how to make existing mechanisms more inclusive – to be determined as a result of the initial research.
  • Identifying and supporting champions to lead efforts on WPS implementation, who can continue to do so once this consultancy has finished.
  • Working with existing bodies that are able to help push for the implementation of the NAP, and hold government bodies accountable to their commitments – including the different iterations of the network of women in the security sector (chapters of which currently exist in Mogadishu and Baidoa)
  • Supporting the ONS to seek input from local communities, including through engagement with civil society and local women’s leaders – with a focus on those who have been involved in peace building activities, and those from communities disproportionately affected by violence and insecurity, such as displaced populations.
  1. Collaboration and Networking:
  • Establish partnerships to support initiatives promoting women’s inclusion in peacebuilding and decision-making.
  • Participate in relevant networks and forums to exchange best practices and lessons learned, and build networks with relevant stakeholders, including government officials, civil society organizations, and academic institutions, to further promote and implement the WPS agenda.
  1. Monitoring and Reporting:
    • Work with the ONS to develop a high-impact logical framework for the implementation of the NAP. The logical framework should be focused on impacts, not outputs, and include indicators that indicate whether or not the change has happened.
    • Work with the ONS to develop an M&E framework that will ensure information collected during monitoring process will inform the way the NAP is developed and implemented over time.
    • Support the ONS to solicit input on the logical framework and M&E process from (1) women within the security sector (including the pre-existing networks) and (2) women-led civil society.



Skills and Qualifications

  1. Strong academic background in fields such as gender studies, international relations, peace and conflict studies, human rights, or related disciplines is essential.
  2. A minimum of 4 years of experience in security, peacebuilding, human rights and/or related fields.
  3. Knowledge of Women, Peace and Security Agenda and deep understanding of the Women, Peace, and Security agenda, including knowledge of key international frameworks, such as United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and subsequent resolutions.
  4. Proficiency in conducting research, data collection, and analysis related to gender and peacebuilding is important. This includes the ability to use quantitative and qualitative research methods, analyse data, and produce reports or publications
  5. Good knowledge of local laws, cultural dynamics, and existing gender policies.
  6. Fluent in English.
  7. Strong communication skills.

How to apply

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications, including a detailed curriculum vitae (CV), a cover letter highlighting their relevant experience and qualifications, and contact information for at least three professional references. Applications should be submitted to Recruitment.Africa@adamsmithinternational.com no later than 20th November 2023.

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No Preference



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Required Experience

4 years experience