Save the Children

Full Time

Positions 1

Terms of Reference for First Aid and Trauma Trainer

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Job Details

Job Description

Title of Consultancy: Terms of Reference for First Aid and Trauma Trainer

SCI Contracting Office: Save the Children Somalia Country Office

Consultant type required : Firm/Individual

Training Location: 14 Field offices, (Mogadishu, Beletweyne, Baidoa, Kismayo, Dhobley, Cadaado, Cabudwak, Garowe, Galkacyo, Qardho, Bossaso, Burco, Hargeisa, Borama)

Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs: Save the children will accommodate fully and cover logistical arrangements including airplane tickets, accommodations.

Taxation Provisions: Consultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above.

Travel requirements: Save the children will cover travel costs where travel costs and accommodation are required

Security requirements: Consultant will comply with standard of Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training, adhering to the terms of access negotiation, and maintaining low profile while in Somalia.


Save the children staff operate in a hostile environment, where staff lives, health and wellbeing are constantly threatened by VBIED, IED, SVBIED, Crossfire shooting etc. in staff daily work, there is every possible chance of staff becoming injured or killed. This course proves vital in the event of staff getting injured, and save the children looks on providing First Aid responsive skills to staff to be well equipped for this kind of risks.


The consultants will train save the children Staff on the following,

  1. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

– Adult, child, and infant CPR techniques

– Chest compressions and rescue breaths

– Use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs)

  1. First Aid Basics

– Wound care and bandaging techniques

– Burns and scalds

– Fractures and sprains

– Allergic reactions and anaphylaxis

– Choking emergencies

  1. Trauma Assessment and Management

– Identification of severe bleeding and control measures

– Head and spinal injuries

– Fracture stabilization and splinting

– Shock management

  1. Medical Emergencies

– Heart attacks and strokes

– Seizures and convulsions

– Diabetic emergencies

– Respiratory distress and asthma attacks

  1. Practical Exercises and Scenarios

– Hands-on practice of CPR and first aid techniques

– Simulated emergency scenarios to apply skills


The methodologies employed by the consultant will include practical lessons to perform medical exercises and class work.


The consultant(s) should deliver the following outputs and deliverables.

  1. Train staff on how to respond to a bleeding and staff be able to practically perform it
  2. Develop a training manual and offer a First Aid booklet to each participant.
  3. Facilitate First Aid and trauma training for first Aiders including drivers
  4. Share training evaluation report on the outcome of each location.
  5. Share a final report after training in all locations on gaps, and further recommendations to have a learning culture on first aid and trauma within the organization.


Time Frame

The overall contract period will be 28 days excluding travel days.

Terms and Conditions

Consultancy fee: The consultant will come up with his/her own rate which will be subject to negotiation within the bounds of set standards of SC in Somalia the consultant is expected to estimate all relevant costs for the training costs.

Code of conduct

Save the Children’s work is based on deeply held values and principles of child safeguarding, and it is essential that our commitment to children’s rights and humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff and other people working for and with Save the Children. Save the Children’s Code of Conduct sets out the standards to which all staff members must adhere and the consultant is bound to sign and abide by the Save the Children’s Code of Conduct.

A contract will be signed by the consultant before the commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects of inputs, and deliverables. The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service.  The Consultant will not, therefore, disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of Save the Children. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.

An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if Save the Children discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation, and implementation of the consultancy agreement.

Ethics And Child Safeguarding

The consultant is obliged to conduct the research in an ethical manner making sure children are safe at all times. The consultant should seek the views of various stakeholders, including children. Efforts should be made to make the research process child-centered and sensitive to gender and inclusion.  The consultant must respect the rights and dignity of participants as well as comply with relevant ethical standards and SC’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct. The research must ensure voluntary, safe, and non-discriminatory participation and a process of free and un-coerced consent. Informed consent of each person (including children) participating in data collection should be documented.

A contract will be signed by the consultant before the commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects of inputs, and deliverables.

Property right:

All data that will be collected should be considered as SCI properties and can’t be used other purposes.

Skills and Qualifications

Technical Requirements/ Review Criteria

The following are minimum requirements for the Consultant/Firm to be considered for carrying out the assignment:

Technical requirement/selection criteria

  • Proven technical capacity with relevant academic background related to trauma and First Aid trainings in harsh environment.
  • Technical proposal on how the training will be conducted including draft training topics and methods of training.
  • Ensure training and all relevant resources are setup and delivered to a professional standard as required by SCI.
  • Conserve and maintain all resources needed to successfully complete training and assessment tasks.
  • Ensure appropriate course delivery and assessment strategies are used to meet the needs of course participants.
  • Ensure the training environment, content and participation is lively as possible for desired result. The trainer should communicate with impact and read the different participants participation level for desired goals.
  • A proof of experience is required for first aid and trauma in Somalia.
  • Understanding of security and political context in Somalia is mandatory.
  • Feasible work plan that aligns with training goals and objectives is required.

Technical proposal, reasonable budget breakdown and reasonable responsiveness to the TOR

other skills

  • Strong organizational, interpersonal, and communications skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English
  • Good judgment, high sense of responsibility, tact, and discretion.
  • Demonstrated cultural sensitivity and ability to work in a multicultural environment.
  • Strong values including care, integrity, trust, accountability, and respected Ethical Consideration.

Note: The training will be required to provide own training tools, equipment’s, and materials

Selection criteria

  1. Technical proposal that is responsive to the TOR with details on training approach.
  2. Financial break down cost per training day including resources and necessary costs.
  3. Previous work experience, a proof of 5 years relevant contracts on first aid and trauma is mandatory.
  4. A workplan on the training period for all locations is mandatory.
  5. CV with details of past work, referees, academic qualifications


How to apply

Application Submission Address: indicating “Consultancy Services Terms of Reference for First Aid and Trauma Trainer as the subject.  The deadline for submission is 12th  November 2023.

Application package should be sent online using the email below.

Job Information

Job City

Preferred Gender

No Preference


Save children

Minimum Education

Degree Title

Application email/URL

Required Experience

5 years experience