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Positions 1

Terms of Reference for Output: Strengthening Government capacity to lead HLP solutions, Danawadaag Consortium

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Output: Strengthening Government capacity to lead HLP solutions, Danawadaag Consortium


Assignment: Technical Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) capacity assessments of local authorities and institutions working on Housing, Land, and Property (HLP).

Location:                      Mogadishu, Afgooye, Kismayo, Dollow, Hudur, and Baidoa.

Department/Org:          Information, Counselling, and Legal Assistance (ICLA).

Local authorities and target entities: Municipalities/District authorities and public Institutions Providing Housing, Land and Property Services.

Reporting to: ICLA Project Manager and ICLA Programme Development Manager

Timeline: 6 weeks




Conducting consultative HLP local authorities’ capacity development needs is necessary to establish the immediate and longer-term capacity needs of relevant HLP local authorities. State institutions with land management mandate face a variety of challenges, including multiple responsibilities and overlapping functions, as well as inexperienced staff and insufficient resources, which hamper their capacity to provide services to the communities. Effective and sustained improvement in the promotion and protection of Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) rights of Displacement Affected Communities (DACs) inevitably requires enhanced HLP capacity and awareness among local authorities to lead in the promotion and protection of HLP rights of DACs.

The Terms of Reference (TOR) aims to invite qualified consultancy firms to submit their proposals to assess the capacity needs of local authorities in Kismayo, Dollow, Hudur, and Baidoa regarding Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) administration and management. The capacity assessment seeks to gather both qualitative and quantitative data to understand the current strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement within the local authority’s capacity to address HLP challenges effectively. The assessment will provide valuable insights that can guide the development of targeted capacity-building initiatives and interventions to enhance the local authority’s capacity in addressing HLP issues affecting Displaced communities.


As one of the first processes in the HLP capacity assessment, a scoping excerise should be carried out to map out all HLP relevant actors in the target locations in order to identify local government institutions with HLP operational capacity and mandates. Following this, a prioritization exercise should be conducted to determine which institutions should be prioritized based on their contribution to the delivery of HLP services, the project goals, and specific HLP objectives.



The capacity assessment methodology will comprise several complementing approaches including  Quantitative Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and ii)Qualitative Survey questionnaires administered through Kobo and while other relevant research methods aimed at producing high quality capacity assessment report.







A representative sample of stakeholders within the local authority including relevant HLP staff in municipal offices, district commissions, commissions for refugees and IDPs, land departments, etc. should  be selected, by following these steps:


  1. Identify the departments and entities: Make a list of all the relevant departments and entities within the local authority that are involved in HLP matters based on the mapping exercise carried out. This may include municipal offices, district commissions, commissions for refugees and IDPs, land departments, housing departments, planning departments, etc.
  2. Obtain a list of staff members: Contact each department or entity to obtain a list of staff members who are directly involved in HLP-related activities. This may include officials, officers, specialists, managers, or any other relevant positions. Make sure to request the staff members’ names, job titles, and contact information (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers).
  3. Verify the relevance of stakeholders: Review the obtained list and verify the relevance of each stakeholder in relation to the study objectives. Remove any individuals who are not directly involved in HLP matters or whose roles are not relevant to the study.
  4. Group stakeholders by department: Organize the stakeholders’ information by department or entity to maintain clarity and facilitate the sampling process. Create separate lists for each department/entity with the corresponding staff members’ details.
  5. Identify inclusion criteria: Define any specific criteria that stakeholders must meet to be included in the sampling frame. For example, you might require that stakeholders have a certain level of seniority or responsibility within their respective land departments or that they have been in their positions for a minimum period.
  6. Informed consent: obtain informed consent according to a pre-prepared protocol informing participants about the scope of the study and their rights during the data collection process (anonymity, data protection, possibility to skip questions, right to withdraw, etc.)
  7. Prepare the sampling frame: Consolidate all the department-specific lists into a single sampling frame document. This document should include the stakeholders’ unique identifiers, names, job titles, and contact information.
  8. Review and finalize: Review the sampling frame for accuracy and completeness. Make any necessary adjustments or additions. Ensure that the frame covers an adequate representation of stakeholders across different departments and entities.
  • Survey Design: The survey consists of a structured questionnaire with a combination of open-ended questions and Likert scale ratings. The questionnaire is designed to capture information on various aspects of HLP management capacity, such as legal frameworks, technical expertise, financial resources, and capacity-building needs.
  • Data Collection: The survey will be administered through Kobo. HLP staff will collect the data from the selected participants.



Key deliverables

  1. a)Inception report containing:
  2.             Description of the HLP context
  3.             Introduction of the report including defining the scope of the assessment.

III.            Methodology

  1.             Role and responsibility of the local authority/municipality concerning HLP issues
  2.             Reviewed Interview Tools including guides/Questionnaires on Kobo and word
  3.             Work plan with key interview plan dates.

VII.            List of stakeholders for consultation including names and contacts.

Skills and Qualifications

  1.             Consultancy ageny should have registration licence from the designated authorities.
  2.             At least 3 years of expertise in field research and comprehensitve assements, particularly institutional capacity assessments, qualitative methodology, data analysis; field research in urban areas is essential.

iii.            Experience with report writing for development partners and/or Government.

  1.             Experience and understanding of the Somali/ Horn of Africa context.
  2.             Understanding HLP issues in Somalia would be an added advantage.


  1. b)Draft HLP capacity assessment report containing
  2.             Mapping of key institutions dealing with HLP issues, their mandate and focal point
  3.             Findings from the analysis of existing HLP capacity gaps and the areas of needs against the key result areas (findings from the survey, KIIs)

III.            Recommendations and relevance to the response including suggested capacity development plan to bridge the gap between the desired and existing HLP capacities

  1.             Other observations and recommendations
  2.             Annex to include List of Key informants(KIIs)
  3.             Annex to include TORs of evictions task force/HLP Coordination workstreams and other HLP institutions
  4. c) Validation workshop: Report of the validation workshop/session with key government stakeholders and photos. Each location will have a separate report and where possible a consolidated report could be explored.
  5. d) Review and adaptation of the final report taking into consideration the inputs received in the validation session and acceptable to the NRC and Danwadaag consortium.
  6. e) PPT presentation of the HLP capacity assessment and presentation on duration solution spaces.

Duration of the Work

The consultant will be contracted for a maximum of six weeks to complete the assignment starting from the signature of the contract. The assignment included travel which the consultant(s) will be responsible for.



Core Values:                            

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism


Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example



The individuals performing the local authority HLP capacity assessment should have sufficient housing, land, and property (HLP) understanding and knowledge. Due to their frequent interactions and involvement with the local authorities, local staff who have been working with local authorities locally have stronger interactions to gather important information. The use of enumerators or other non-HLP staff should be avoided wherever feasible since they are incapable of assessing actual HLP needs. Conducting on-job or in-person training on mapping of relevant local authority institutions, the data collection tool, survey methodology, sampling procedures, and key interview techniques will be added value to conducting participation in HLP capacity needs assessment.


After data is gathered, validated, and analyzed, the final report shall be disseminated to relevant stakeholders for review and input. Based on the capacity assessment findings, consultations with local authorities and other relevant stakeholders would be held to agree on urgent and long-term capacity requirements support.

How to apply

The consultant/consulting firm interested are expected to provide following documentation:

  1. A cover letter introducing the consultant. In the case of a firm, the cover letter should introduce the team composition and specifying the role to be played by each team member.
  2. A technical proposal of not more than 10 pages outlining how to execute the task with a clear framework, methodology and timelines. Proposed methodology should demonstrate a clear understanding of the ToR (Terms of Reference) (sampling framework, data collection strategy/methods)
  3. Resume of the consultant, or each team member for firms
  4. Evidence of experience conducting similar assignments (Samples of similar work)
  5. Proposed budget indicating consultancy fee, costs of enumerators/ data collection, logistics cost and all other auxiliary costs in USD.
  6. Reference letters and the contact of at least three referees (email and telephone).
  7. License to operate: Registration certificate from the country of origin and tax compliance certificate



Consultant/firm that meet the requirements mentioned above are invited to submit detail technical proposal and financial proposal on or before 06th November  2023 and should be addressed to so.jlprocurement@nrc.no  referencing ‘Technical HLP capacity assessments’ in the subject of the email.

Those consultancy company interesting to bid should download the documents via the link below, only companies that download the documents via this link will be considered eligible.



Job Information

Job City

Preferred Gender

No Preference



Minimum Education

Degree Title

Application email/URL


Required Experience

3 years of experience